A review by guinness74
The Reincarnationist Papers (Book 1) by D. Eric Maikranz


Per FTC rules: I received this book as a GoodReads First Reads giveaway.

I have no idea how to react to this book. It nods toward Dan Brown's Angels and Demons, with a hint of Forrest Gump type historical events, while masquerading as a philosophy and/or religion tome, all the while purporting to be the work of a palingenesist named Evan Michaels who stumbles (literally) his way upon a secret organization of self-same others who form the Cognomina. Oh, and there's the slightest bit of soft porn thrown in for good measure. It's weird...but it's a page turner.

The problem is, I can't tell if it's fiction or not, and so it's difficult for me to know how I feel. As fiction, it's decent, but it's not the best I've ever read. If it's non-fiction, it is fantastical and makes me want to meet these people, though, based on what I've read that's not likely to happen. So, I guess if you're looking for a thriller that may or may not be based, at least in part, on actual events, this is your book.