A review by mamabookwyrm
Stay by A.L. Jackson


I wasn’t sure how I was going to respond to Ash’s story. I love the Sunder boys but I’m one of those women who doesn’t really like the playboys. And while all the Sunder boys were a bit manwhorish, Ash seemed to be the epitome of the word. Then there was the fact that Austin had straight out stolen my heart and I didn’t think he was going to give even the smallest piece of it back. I was not expecting Ash to sneak in and steal it out from underneath him. And that’s exactly what happened. Like the other books in this series, Stay is written in a beautiful, lyrical style that is almost poetical. It makes it easy to devour the book and I did—in one sitting. I could not put this down.

Ash is always readily available with a cocky grin or a cheesy smile and a pickup line. He’s bold, crude, loud and appears to eat life in large chunks. Little did we know that it was all a mask hiding a whole lot of pain and guilt. But this man has a huge heart. And he’s definitely sexy and swoon-worthy. Willow has had the shit end of the stick for so long and her dreams are slipping out of her hands. She’s been broken but she won’t let it make her weak. I love it when she gets sassy. The banter between the two often made me smile and giggle. The chemistry and sexual tension and me reaching for a fan (and it’s been below freezing here!). And of course, I loved seeing the rest of the boys and their women.

This book had my heart broken and bleeding for these two. They are extremely complex characters with flaws, insecurities and intricacies. There were so many emotions within these pages—heartache, anger, frustration, pain, triumph, heat, humor. All the damn feels—this is a book that’ll definitely stay with you. It definitely had an impact on me—especially Willow and her quiet strength. This is definitely one of my must-reads of 2017.

I voluntarily reviewed an Advanced Reader Copy of this book.
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