A review by booksnorkel
Across the Wall: A Tale of the Abhorsen and Other Stories by Garth Nix


The short novella that Nix has written for this short story collection makes me wish that he would come out with more books for the Abhorsen series. I know that later this year Clariel is due but if you think about how long it's been and how many individuals have been begging for more then it's really more of what's been taking you so long. I know writing is more involved than any of us readers think but again the novella just whipped up an appetite for more.

There are several short stories in this collection that I find myself skipping or skimming just to get to the others faster. Love love love the fantasy western at the end and would read more set in that world. I also loved his hansel and gretel that's one that I won't ever forget.

If you're a Garth Nix fan you can't really walk away from a small continuation of the Abhorsen set. For seventh grade on up and remember fans Clariel is coming soon!!!!!!!