A review by chelsea2020
Beyond the Veil by Pippa DaCosta


Charlie thought she could live a normal life. Little did she know, life could never be normal for a half-human, half-demon with a target on her back. Muse is back and livelier than ever, and though she tries to deny it, she cannot withstand the allure of pure chaos.

Muse was a complicated character to get behind. At times I sympathized with her traumatic past and begged her not to trust too easily. But despite her troubled past, she seems to trust people so blindly, and this could potentially be her fatal flaw.

I know we were supposed to be rooting for Stefan here- at least, that’s what it seemed- but I hate him AND Akil. They’re both lying, manipulative arses, and I think Muse deserves so much better. Not giving anything away here, but neither Stefan nor Akil should be trusted. The only one Muse can depend on is herself.

I was very invested in the first half of the book, but as it went on, it got more and more predictable. I also felt that, rather than trying to make sense of the warped relationship between Stefan and Akil, the author was more interested in trying to pull the rug out from underneath her readers over and again. Blah. Not impressed. I demand sense! In all, it wasn’t a bad book, and I’ll probably read the next one to see if it goes better.