A review by captnpanda
Fire Heart by Emma Hamm


It took me a bit to figure out why I liked this book even to write a review for it. To put it simply, this book isn't amazing or groundbreaking. It is just a light fun read. The writing style gives you enough to immerse yourself in the world but doesn't bombard you with too many details or intricacies. The story moves along at the perfect pace, not too fast that you get whiplash, but also not too slow where there are chapters of nothing happening or just filler. Each chapter or character interaction felt meaningful and part of moving the plot along.

There were some things that I would roll my eyes at and I think the author just needed a better editor perhaps that would catch these things. First at the beginning of the book the use of "elfweed" seemed pretty silly to me. Maybe that's just the best way to describe it, but I just felt myself laughing at this word anytime I saw it. Luckily it was only the first few chapters where we learn that Lore, the MC, is just a weed dealer.

Second, and something that probably every low star review brings up is how "wonderful, amazing, great not like the others" Lore is. While Lore doesn't actually say this herself or about herself, it is Abraxas the dragon that can be the one talking up the MC like she is the most wonderful person he's ever met. It is almost unnoticeable at first but the more he gets infatuated with Lore, and the more the story goes on I can definitely understand why this would be a huge eye roller. It didn't cause me to put the book down but it does get on the annoying side towards the second half of the book.

Otherwise, I think the story was great. It threw enough wrenches in Lore's plans to make it believable that she didn't succeed at every task she was given. I ended up loving Zander, this horrible king we're probably supposed to hate him but I found him one of the most amusing characters in the whole book. I also loved Beauty the subtle hints about her got me in the beginning but, without too much spoilers, I was still surprised at the end of the book and honestly, I really enjoyed that.

It's not amazing or groundbreaking. The bride tournament to win a king, falling in love with his guard instead, tricked into helping a rebellion. This isn't a new idea but the world Emma Hamm gives us, the characters, and the fun writing. It was an enjoyable and light experience and I am looking forward to reading the next one!