A review by ariel937
Cold Moon Over Babylon by Michael McDowell


ah, i should’ve trusted the other reviews of this book.

i’m currently on the hunt for folk-like horror/southern horror, and this was one of the books that popped up. but my enjoyment of this novella tanked pretty quickly. this isn’t a BAD book, and it’s actually really well written and suspenseful in some parts. but i was really frustrated with the incompetence of the characters (which i know is some of the point but it was still really annoying to read, lol) and there was honestly just a lot of unnecessary racism that like didn’t HAVE to be in there, y’know? i also just didn’t find this to be scary at all because for most of the book you’re following the actual killer, and i was honestly just looking forward to him getting caught/killed—didn’t really make for a very suspenseful reading experience.

was this the worst book ever? no. would i ever recommend this? hell no, lol. but if you have any other folk horror recs that are as well written as this and not just a B-rated “horror” ghost story, please send them my way!!