A review by okevamae
The Furthest Station by Ben Aaronovitch


(I received an ARC of this book via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.)

A nice little addition, good for fans of this series. As usual, Peter's voice is very distinct, all dry wit, enthusiasm for his job and a comprehensive knowledge of his city. The details paint a vivid picture, and Aaronovitch keeps just enough of Peter's wit and personality in descriptive passages to keep it from being an out-and-out infodump.

I assume this story is filling a gap and setting up some things that will be further explored in a later novel. Or at least, I hope so, since the story lines I am thinking of - I'll just say the Abigail and Chess story lines, avoiding specifics to avoid spoilers - neither of them felt especially well resolved, particularly the Chess story line. If it's not brought up again later, it's just a random idea he liked but couldn't fit into a novel, which would be fine if it felt resolved at the end, but it doesn't. I have faith we will be seeing Abigail again though (it was nice to see her again, I had been wondering what was happening there.)

All in all, it's fun if you're a big fan of the series, but you'd be fine if you skipped it.