A review by dmniccoli
Christmas Passion and Hot Cocoa Cookies by Erin Rose

emotional hopeful lighthearted fast-paced


This story is passionate, heartfelt, and gives us beautiful, romantic prose like this: “She fit into the curve of his body like they’d been carved from the same stone.”

Christmas Passion and Hot Cocoa Cookies is a small town romance that’s got plenty of sugar but doesn’t shy away from spice. It’s as warm and comforting as a hot cup of cocoa or a fresh batch of cookies. 

I loved all the little gentle ways Levi and Mila touch each other and show their budding love—hands clasped between their chests as they dance, a cold nose pressed to the other’s neck for warmth, a little kiss to the fingertips.

They went to school together so there’s lots of little snippets of HS memories sprinkled in and of the budding friendship and yearning between them that’s evolving into something more now that they’re adults.

Levi is perfect. He steps in when Mila is overwhelmed and overworked and takes care of everything, allowing her to get ALL the rest and self care she desperately needs. He just might d*ck her to sleep real good - toys and DP included - then completely takes care of her to-do list. An evergreen favorite. We love a partner who tends to their partner mind, body, and soul. 

Btw, can I ask Santa for a Levi for Christmas? 

Not only is Levi adorable as a partner, he’s extra cute when on uncle duty—this man is not afraid to wear tutus and sparkly purple nail polish with his niece or make beaded friendship bracelets.

Oh, and the Christmas vibe of the story is totally vibing—in more ways than one—see toy comment above ;)

The ending *gasp* - I won’t spoil it, but it’s perfectly adorable.

Thank you Erin Rose and Wild Rose Press for the ARC.