A review by twistedflower2357
The Promise by Bryan Konietzko, Michael Dante DiMartino, Gene Luen Yang


This comic tangles with some interesting ideas—Yu Dao is a setting worth examining and Zuko’s insistence that Aang kill him if he ever “turns bad” feels very in-character. Aang and Katara’s relationship is also given more depth than the show allowed (in a romantic context specifically), but a lot of their conversation throughout the comic is built on inherently faulty concepts and characterization. Very little of the plot holds up to scrutiny as a coherent anti-colonialist work, which is I think a NECESSARY stipulation for any ATLA related work. The characters are written almost as the opposite of how they actually behaved in the show. Aang agrees to kill his friend, Zuko immediately falls for nationalist propaganda (okay maybe not THAT surprising lol but come on man… he’s not.. that stupid), Sokka is a happy incompetent idiot, Katara is subdued and motherly… some are more egregious than others, but it makes me wonder if the comics were more inspired by fanfiction than the original show.

Basically: This comic has few good ideas that get swallowed by the poor quality of the rest and thus aren’t able to shine. The art is quite cute, though.