A review by squidbag
Doctor Who: Shroud of Sorrow by Tommy Donbavand


An Eleven and Clara story, and a good one, but not my favorite. It seemed that the pairing of Who with the Kennedy assassination was a natural one, and it was, up to a point. At that point, though, there's this departure from Kennedy lore, and we spin out into a villain who is never really that scary - just mean and nasty - and an ally that's pointedly silly. These things are fine but not fantastic, and the counterpoint to them is a genuinely well-written and perfectly poignant backward look through moments when it's sad to be the Doctor. So, good but not great, fun.

I DID find out that my library's got a shitload more Doctor Who books digitally than we actually have on the shelves, so that was a plus coming out of this.