A review by directorpurry
Manga Shakespeare: King Lear by William Shakespeare, ILYA, Richard Appignanesi


Actual rating: 2.5 stars

I came in biased because I'm really not a huge Lear fan. I get it, it has good elements, but it's just a bit... melodramatic, I suppose.
I also don't know how I feel about this setting... While I am all for the concept of it, I found the execution lacking. It's supposed to be the 1750s in Colonialist America, with Lear as a Native American chief. Not being indigenous myself, I cannot speak the accuracy or inaccuracy of any of the character design. I also wouldn't dare to venture a guess at how similar or different the hierarchical structure would be in this scenario...

Overall, I actually wasn't a huge fan of the art in this on either. The pages were very busy and, especially in the front, the printing quality didn't seem to be quite as nice as some of the other volumes.
If I weren't trying to collect the whole series, I probably wouldn't be keeping this one... (But the same could be said for [b:Henry VIII|6657418|Manga Shakespeare Henry VIII|Richard Appignanesi|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1348780222l/6657418._SX50_.jpg|26935315] so I suppose it's not unique in that.)