A review by lovelaced
Okay for Now by Gary D. Schmidt

Did not finish book. Stopped at 25%.
The main character was just too annoying. I really tried but I can't tolerate it. The way he keeps repeating everything over and over and over again was driving me NUTS! You wouldn't believe this but the word "stupid" was used 109 times in this book. One HUNDRED and nine, yes. I'm not lying.
See, what I did there? "Stupid" 109 times, "I'm not lying" 82 fucking times, "Chump" 45 times,  "Sounding like Lucas" 8 times. I can't tell if its a purposeful creative choice or if the author's vocabulary was really that narrow or maybe the author wanted to really paint the mc as fucking annoying. Well, if he was, I can tell you that it worked very well. And how many times, are you (the mc) gonna "sound like Lucas" until you actually are Lucas? Maybe you really are a bully just like your father and your brother. 
Idk, maybe that was the whole point of it but idc, the mc was whiny, annoying, immature, and really not the least bit charming. Yes, characters have flaws but they should also have something alluring about them so the readers give a fuck about what happens next and keep the page turning. 
You could argue that the mc is 12/ 13 so of course he'd tend to be whiny and stupid and annoying. Well, maybe. Buy I don't remember Harry Potter or Percy Jackson or Arya Stark being this insufferable at 12 so there's that.