A review by theresidentbookworm
The Foxhole Court by Nora Sakavic


I've heard so much about this series from my various Bookstagram friends, and I know that is has a huge fanbase. So far, I can't quite understand the hype. The sport has me completely confused. No matter how many time I read the index with the rules, I am still confused. Is it like field hockey but more violent? Or lacrosse? If someone could explain this to me, I'd love it. But more than that, I'm still trying to understand these character dynamics. What are Neil and Andrew to each other? Why is Andrew's relationship with his family so weird? How does this team even manage to function? The good thing is that I want to and will keep reading, so maybe this series will win me over. It is compelling, and I wanted to keep turning the page. We'll see what happens in the next book!