A review by mandyreads
Cream of the Crop, Volume 2 by Alice Clayton


I just ADORED this book! I have completely fallen in love with Alice Clayton's writing. It's witty, full of steam, heart, tons of feels and plenty of laugh out loud moments. It was definitely hard to read this book in public without snort laughing from all of the hilarious lines in this book. This series would translate perfectly onto the small screen for a weekly TV series. Every character is fleshed out so well. Along with the beautiful backdrop of Bailey Falls in upstate New York, I have fallen head over heels for this series.

Natalie Grayson is one of the funniest and realest potty mouth characters that I have come across in a long time. I have a huge girl crush on her. She is everything that you want to be when you grow up. She exudes confidence and is charismatic, intelligent, sweet, and absolutely hilarious. The girl is a complete riot! Natalie is the queen of double entendre. She is the type of person who would easily become your best friend because of how down to earth her personality is while also being the a classy and glam fashionista. I constantly found myself googling different pieces in her wardrobe while reading. I absolutely love it when an author gets descriptive with their characters clothing, it just bring the story to life in my head even more. Even though Natalie is confident in almost every area of her life, she still has doubts and fears about being in a long term relationship.

Oscar Mendoza is the local dairy farmer who is a mysterious and brooding yummy alpha. We saw glimpses of Oscar in the previous novel, but never knew too much about him besides his amazing cheese making abilities and the ability to render chatty Cathy, Natalie speechless. The man is a panty dropper of the finest form. He's sweet, sexy, smart, loyal, and an all around good guy. Oh, and it also doesn't hurt that happens to be an excellent dirty talker.

It was so much fun to watch the scorching chemistry between Natalie and Oscar. Their relationship never felt forced and flowed seamlessly. Even when they would just say a few words to each other, you could still feel the heat between them. I also appreciated how in most respects Natalie and Oscar were total opposites, but they were still able to find a lot of common ground besides just being physically attracted to each other. And sure, this book is categorized as romance, but I felt that it went deeper than that because of the characters and how it went about handling the major plot conflict. It didn't feel like it was trivial or predictable. It was refreshing to not see a trope that has been used many times and ended up in the same way, minus the happily ever after of course.

Now I'm waiting with baited breath for the next book in this series! But luckily I have Alice's WHOLE backlist to keep me occupied with her amazing writing style.

*I received a copy of this book via the publisher in exchange for an honest review
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