A review by anasatticbookblog
Holy Frigging Matrimony by Emma Chase


Read more of my reviews and ramblings at Ana's Attic Book Blog

I absolutely loved Tangled, the first book in The Tangled Series by Emma Chase. Tangled was told entirely from the male point of view as if he is talking to you. Funny and refreshing, It was one of my top picks for funniest book. Holy Frigging Matrimony takes place a year after Tangled ends, and is also told from Drew's point of view. I don't want to give away too much, but yes, there is a wedding.

Holy Freaking Matrimony was a short story, not even a novella.
"There's no time to mess around - even for a quickie."

I stalk towards her. "A -- there's always time to mess around. B - it depends on your definition of quickie. My interpretation happens to be how quickly I can make you scream my name. Past experience has shown I can make that happen pretty damn fast."

But it was worth every penny of the $.99.

It was romantic (kind of).
“Have I told you how cock-stiffeningly gorgeous you look tonight?”

There was sex.
“I don’t wanna go. I want to defile the prestigious Plaza Hotel by having you ride me like a slutty mermaid in the bathtub.”

And there was the annoying ex (I rhymed!)
"Speak of the devil and he doth appear ... Yep, still hate him. He's like genital herpes -- he just won't go the fuck away."

But mostly there was Drew, still an immature idiot that we love to love, but this time there was a little step up and a few minutes of almost grown-up behavior (let's not get crazy here!)

“I don’t even know what to say to you.”
I squirm – just a little. “He started it.”
Her eyes narrow. “Are you serious?”
I think about it for a minute. “Kind of.”

Overall, it was lovely having a little visit with Drew. It made my day!



  • •Just as funny as Tangled.

  • •A cute, fun little visit with Drew.

  • •I highlighted a whole bunch of quotes to read to Mr. Ana.


  • •Too short.

  • •Could have used a few more reminders about the happenings in Tangled. As much as I remembered Drew, I didn't really remember the story.

Rating (novella): 4.25 stars 4.25 Heat


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Holy Frigging Matrimony was a great little visit with Drew to keep the spark alive until the next in the series, Twisted, comes out in the end of March.
“My favorite dress of yours will always be…the one on the floor.”


Purchase Holy Frigging Matrimony by Emma Chase

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