A review by lilibetbombshell
Hard Drive by Shae Connor


“Hard Drive” is everything you could ask for out of a short, sweet, femme bisexual romance… almost. And I do absolutely mean that! It is a nice length for anyone who doesn’t want to commit to a long read (like, say, you just want something to read one evening when you have a little time free and just need to relax), it’s relatively low-angst for those who don’t want to be stressed out by what they’re reading, the main characters are very likeable (so you don’t have to work hard to love them), the steamier scenes aren’t too spicy for more conservative readers but are still present for those of us who didn’t open this book just to see all the steam happen off-page, there is some warm and fuzzy romance feelies, and a HEA at the end. So yeah, it’s just about everything you could ask for out of what this book looks like and sounds like it’s supposed to be.

Of course there’s a “but”. You knew a “but” was coming. The plot is incredibly boring, making the book relatively boring. The antagonist, who is supposed to be hidden, is easy to suss out very early in the book and it makes the main characters look dumb for not figuring it out sooner. I felt the author needed a sensitivity reader for issues regarding and surrounding anxiety and panic issues because they weren’t handled with as much care as some other books in the same genre that have included the same issue in their books that I’ve read in the last couple of years, and when the turn came, it seemed overblown which made the resolution seem utterly anticlimactic. Ultimately, in the end, nothing the two main characters went through paid off. It was as if you could have cut out 50% of this book and had the same result and the rest was just melodrama.

But I do still give it three stars because for what it is packaged as, it lives up to the wrapping. It is sweet, cute, a little sexy, gave me some warm fuzzies, and I am always happy to read almost any story where members of the alphabet mafia get a HEA in the end.