A review by bookgyrl
A Story to Kill by Lynn Cahoon


Cat got divorced almost 3 years ago but after the recent death (6 months ago) of her ex-husband she was surprised she inherited their marital home in her home town. So she returned there and decided to start a writers retreat, as she is an author herself.

The book begins when the first retreat is starting and the guests are arriving. Among them an already famous author, Tom Cook. The other guests are writers hoping to publish. At the very first day Cat finds Tom in his room, bludgeoned to death!

This is a very pleasant cozy. Although her uncle is the chief of police, Cat goes sleuthing. Meanwhile she is trying to assess her feelings for Seth Howard, the handsome handyman working at the house, who also was her highschool boyfriend. Soon after their breakup Cat met and married her ex-husband, who cheated on her which lead to their divorce.

I liked the story and the main characters. Although I wished for some more information about the past of Cat and Seth. The story is finished, although there are some leads into the next book and the last chapter finishes on that note. I normally am into cozies with a bit more of a higher pace, but I can see the charm of it and am sure many will enjoy it.

I received an ARC from NetGalley in exchange for my honest review.