A review by beckymmoe
Compromising Her Position by Samanthe Beck


Whoa. From the very first page, this one's a scorcher.

And I may never look at guys in Santa suits the same way again. Good thing my kids are too old to ask to go see him at the mall...

I loved every minute of Compromising Her Position! Chelsea and Rafe were a great couple, and their chemistry was off the charts. So. Much. Steam. It made the entire book not only NSFW, it's also NSF-dinner with your kids.

But I persevered anyway. Because I'm strong like that. ;)

The reformed playboy is such a tempting troupe, and Rafe played the part to perfection. It was so fun to see him gradually fall for Chelsea despite everything in him resisting the urge. And Chelsea? Seeing her inner bad girl come out of the closet--while actually in the closet--was fantastic. I completely bought into their HEA 100%, and was cheering for them all the way. Loudly.

On top of the "Brazen"-ness of the story, the writing is just so darn funny. Rafe and Chelsea engage in great banter, and there were many laugh-out-loud situations throughout the book. Even the author's dedication had me snickering, for Pete's sake.
To Heather, for gently suggesting we not call this Fifty Shade of Santa.
See? It's official. I will never be able to look that jolly old elf in the eye again.

I can't wait to see where Ms. Beck is going to take this series next--both Chelsea's BFF Laurie and Rafe's sister Arden are totally deserving of their own HEAs... ;)

Rating: 4 stars / A

I received a complimentary copy in exchange for an honest review.