A review by rereader33
Black Clover, Vol. 6 by Yûki Tabata


Oh shit, oh shit, OH SHIT, YAMI FINALLY ENTERS THE RING!!! And he didn't just enter, he made a grand fucking entrance befitting of the captain of the Black Bulls! I have been waiting to see him fight, and let me tell you, IT WAS SO WORTH THE WAIT!

But let me make something clear, it's not just the actual fight that made me lose my shit this hard, it's that combined with him mentoring Asta and him being himself that made this one of the best fights in the series thus far. Yami has been described as a "former Shounen Jump protagonist that retired after this arc was completed," and I have never witnessed a more weirdly specific yet accurate description in my life. Yami reeks battle experience that goes beyond training and adventures. I can't explain it too well, but trust me this is basically his character in a nutshell and it is FUCKING HILARIOUS.

I love the fact that he has absolutely zero fucks left and even when it looks like he's going to be defeated, he just doesn't care. Like you can tell he's seen so much shit in his life that this is just another day to him. But I love how he constantly pushes Asta to surpass his limits and become better, like he knows Asta's destined for greatness and he wants to shove him (literally and metaphorically) in that direction. Oh, and his interactions with the other guild captains was fucking hilarious. And speaking of the captains, Nozel keeps winning small brownie points with me, even though he's still a colossal asshole. I really, REALLY want to learn more about his relationship with Fuegoleon, they keep hinting at it and I want to see it!

Finally, something I want to touch on is how Tabata adds a little bit extra in order to elevate his series from average to above average. The example from this volume is when Licht is explaining why the Eye of the Midnight Sun resents the Clover Kingdom. At first, it's the standard "the impoverished struggle to survive while the rich have more than they need," but then he adds that those born with extraordinary abilities are often maligned because of their standing or circumstances. It's such a small detail, but it perfectly explains the Black Bulls existence as well as throwing in a gray area to the standard have vs. have nots narrative. This is what I appreciate about Tabata's writing and why it bothers me that people think this story is as generic as the rest.

Anyway, that's enough ranting. This was an awesome volume full of action, but I'm kind of hoping the next volume's a bit more chill. A little slice-of-life to cool off from the intense hype.