A review by ranforingus
Brokeback Mountain by Annie Proulx


That a book this short could evoke feelings THIS strong from me....

I love it! I saw the movie too and liked it, but the writing style just really appeals to me. So much that I even started thinking the American accents with the lines. That has never happened before!

And then Jack HAD to say the one line that gave me the feels. MASSIVE FEELS:

"I wish I knew how to quit you."

ARGH! Don't do this to me! Why can't they just live together happily ever after, no more drama, no more hate for gods know what reason.

Just them and their (intense) obsession for each other.

The very end nearly made me bawl in public, you know what I'm taking about when I say shirts.

Well Ding-dong-dammit I need to go calm down now... My emotions are still wild from reading this... I hope to find other books that resonate as much as this one did.

Over and Out!