A review by kara_hildebrand
Stand by A.L. Jackson


*6 Hearts*

I never stay up late reading except when it's an AL Jackson book. I can never put them down and it always takes me a few days to recover. Recover from the emotions. Recover from the outstanding writing. Recover from the beauty of it all. There's always something about AL Jackson's books that bring all of my emotions to the surface. I laugh, cry, swoon, get mad, get sad, smile and cry more. I believe Stand was one of the best conclusions to a series I've ever read. Yes, I'm sad it's over, but I’m so thankful I got to be a part of it. These men and their families burrowed into my heart to live forever. I have loved all of the books in the series, but I believe she saved the best for last. I knew that Zee's story was going to be special. He's always been the protector. The level headed drummer who made sure the band stayed together as a family. Now that we get to see how and why Zee is the way he is, it just makes me love him more. He's a tortured soul who lost his brother and made sacrifices no young man should ever have to make. He's big, tatted and sexy as hell, but he's a gentle soul with a heart of gold. He never imagined he would meet and fall for a blonde haired beauty. He doesn't deserve to be loved, but something about Alexis and how she just won't give up on him that brings Zee to his knees. Can he finally live for himself? Can he let the sadness of his past go and move forward? Zee Kennedy is perfect. He's my favorite Sunder. He's sexy, quiet, and intense. He fights for his family and for what's right. Alexis is the perfect match for him. She's strong, beautiful, and won't take no for an answer. Not when she knows they are meant to be. I'm going to miss these characters so much. They have been a part of my life and soul for so long that I'm not sure what to do with myself now. I just take comfort in their happy endings. And knowing Amy has more greatness in store for us!

An angel. The brightest light in the midst of my darkness.

"I want things that will only ruin me, Alexis. But you...you make me want to wish for them anyway. Make me believe there's a chance that maybe they could belong to me."

"Welcome to the freak show, darlin'. Admission is free, but you don't ever get to leave."