A review by steph01924
Falling Together by Marisa de los Santos


I've enjoyed Marisa de los Santos' other books, probably a bit more than this one. I don't know what was missing...it just didn't have the same charm as the others. Pen was pretty dense at times. All that lead up to get to Cat and there's barely any storyline with her in it. I know the purpose of the story wasn't really about Cat herself, but how everyone reacted to her, but I couldn't help but feel a bit cheated.

Seeing Pen and Will's relationships with James evolve, and James' enjoyment of Pen's daughter were probably the most interesting parts of the book.

Also, the ending frustrated me royally...them coming back all happy from the Philippines felt like it should be the end, but nooo, we have to have some added drama over something so minor just to make a point. I mean, really, Pen? How old are you? Get a grip. Those last fifteen pages kind of sunk into soap territory, drama for the sake of drama.

I'll still read books from this author in the future, I just hope they have a bit more pizazz from now on.