A review by mwind05
Never Fall for Your Back-Up Guy by Kate O'Keeffe


I originally gave this book 2 stars because I like to save the one stars for books that I DNF(which is almost never). After sleeping on it I decided to go back and give it a one star after all. There is too much that I didn't like about this book that I don't ever know where to start...It was just a mess. I'm just going to stick with the main storyline and characters, although I do have opinions on the rest of the book. This book had a unrealistic plot, characters, and dialogue. The main character was annoying and the "romance" (if that's what you want to call it) was non-existent. There was not any chemistry or lead up to the relationship. It just wasn't, until it was. Their relationship "hurdle" was just dumb. There was just too much silliness in this book for me. I don't mind quirky and fun but this was over the top, just plain unnecessary goofiness.