A review by queerlitloft
The Copper Scroll: A Lesbian Adventure Novel by Robyn Nyx


Yet another literary triumph from author Robyn Nyx.

The Copper Scroll showcases one of my favourite qualities of Nyx's writing - the ability to wholeheartedly immerse a reader into the story. Whether it's the expansive plains of dusty Middle Eastern countries, the depths of ancient sea caves or the very real possibility of being blown to smithereens - there is nowhere that Nyx doesn't take you in pursuit of solving the mystery of The Copper Scroll.

You'll finish this book swearing you've been right there alongside Chase and Rayne for the whole adventure, because you'll certainly feel like you've felt and lived it all. The thrills and wonder, the danger and desire is all there for the taking in another epic Chase and Rayne story.

As this is the second book in the series, you can expect the plot to delve deeper in to whether Chase and Rayne will be able to make their fledgling relationship work now that they are back in the States.

Can they find common ground and compromise when they still operate at opposites ends of the archaelogical world? Can love and desire solve the issues which seem unsolvable? And ultimately can both Chase and Rayne share their vulnerabilities with each other and learn to trust in the other, in order to deepen and solidify what they have together.

What will it take to succeed, both professionally and personally, and what will each be willing to sacrifice in the process.
The journey to discover the secret of The Copper Scroll proves to be high stakes in more ways than just one for Chase and Rayne. Danger lurks at every turn, fuelled by the burning fires of ambition and moral righteousness.

In amongst all the soul searching, city hopping and danger dodging, there is of course still the trademark witty banter between all of the characters, but none more so than out of the mouths of Ginn and Tonyck.
They have to be two of my favourite side characters ever in a book. I really enjoyed that we get to learn a bit more about their backstory and evaluate/test the twins' loyalty to Rayne - a great little side story to wrap your head around.

The sexual tension between Chase and Rayne, picks up where they left off in The Golden Trinity (Book 1). Whilst they are now officially a couple, Nyx keeps the characters' chemistry at bonfire level throughout the course of this story. It ranges from outright lust and barely contained desire to suggestive comments, tender words, touches and looks. The sexual and emotional chemistry is well suited to the overall flow of the story, and this paired with the more indepth character development of Chase and Rayne makes for an engaging read.

The epilogue leaves you wondering whether we will see another book in the series - i could certainly see some potential openings for a plot. And I'd be lying if i said i wasn't 100% clamouring for another awesome installment of this series!