A review by peterpanda
The Dodge Brothers: The Men, the Motor Cars, and the Legacy by Charles K. Hyde


This was a bit more difficult of a read. The best part of reading a History book however, is that it always leaves me with feeling as if I've gained more knowledge. The only parts I could really read through with ease were the parts that talked about the Dodge Brother's growing up and who they were as people. The parts about the actual Industry bored me to no end, but at the same time I feel as if I've gained new knowledge that I some what like talking about. One of those reads that just makes a person feel really accomplished after they're through reading it.

I wouldn't recommend it to anyone that has a hard time reading text book type reading and feels no gain after reading text books. If you're not much for learning or into Automobiles and the Industry this book isn't for you. If you're like me and can see the good in learning about History and can grit your teeth through some boring reading to gain more knowledge this book is for you. Now if you REALLY enjoy the automobile industry, the dodge brothers, and numbers and statistics this book would be for you!

I've certainly read worse...and I've certainly read better so 3/5 got to be a little easier on these text book type readings after all as you can only do so much to make fact based books interesting.