A review by seeinghowitgoes
An Arranged Marriage by Jo Beverley


I picked up the Rogue series through a recommendation on Julia Quinn's message boards. The recommendation either listed under the, 'Virgin Male' section or in the top 100. Now that I think about it, it probably was the top 100. lol but the Virgin Male section sounds better. I... like this series! The characters are often incredibly dense and make me want to scream but the progression of it all makes up for it a little.

The thing about the Rogue novels is that all the couples in the book are inevitably married with the first few chapters or well on their way. Their marriages start off on the wrong foot and the love doesn't happen til the end which is a nice change. Jo Beverley references Georgette Heyer on many occasions as her inspiration so it's no surprise that her books all seem to enjoy the same complicated circumstances.

An Arranged Marriage started off with a ludicrous concept. Eleanor Chivenham our heroine, is drugged one night and raped by The Earl of something. I forget now, because he was also drugged! Turns out her brother in an attempt to blackmail the Earl has drugged the pair of them in order to ruin Eleanor. In a bizzare twist, the Earl decides to fob the entire affair off onto his twin brother Nicholas who ends up being the one married to Eleanor.

Our heroine is raped, then the old "Sex as a Cure" stick is used. But still, the book is very untraditional in the sense that it begins with a rape, then marriage, adultery (on the Husband's side), kidnapping and a birth. Being book 1 of a series, Eleanor and Nicholas return often.