A review by mehsi
The Escape Manual for Introverts by Katie Vaz


I received this book from Netgalley in exchange of an honest review.

raises handI am very much an introvert, so I couldn’t resist this book. I had to click that Read Now button. I was very much curious to see what kind things this one would give as a way of escaping.

There are various chapters each one dealing with a certain topic. Friends, relatives, co-workers to acquaintances and more. With each chapter we get scenarios that were just oh oh so true (really, I was nodding along) and what kind of things an introvert may do to escape, let people know they don’t want to in a subtle way, tips for conversations which I do want to try myself though I kind of worry it will backfire for instance the ask questions that take long answers.. I can see that end up in a discussion of never endingness, and more. I had quite a laugh, but I was also noting down several of the nicer ways in my head. I think I can use some of these tips/excuses.