A review by tessanne
The Ice Duchess by Amy Rose Bennett


Spoiler alert and CW: this is the second book in less than a week where the heroine is a victim of sexual assault in her past but is able to overcome her intense fear is sexual intimacy and sex extremely quickly. I don’t buy it.

We are told much more than we are shown. We’re told Georgiana is the “ice duchess” but I made it over halfway through this book and have seen no evidence of it. We’re told Rafe is a rake and so freaking handsome that Georgie basically loses her shit, but we don’t see these things either.

The first couple times they meet, we mostly seen them for a few minutes and then are told that the encounter is over. Wtf. We need to see them interacting!

Rafe is basically head over heels for Georgie from almost the start and is mostly super sweet to her. Also, he’s supposed to be a rake but can’t manage to go slowly enough during their first PIV encounter to not actively hurt Georgie by basically ramming his penis into her? GET OUT. DELETE YOUR RAKE ACCOUNT.

Oh, and after this (what must surely be terrible pain and emotional distress), suddenly Georgie is all “yeah baby I love it!” Nope.

DNF at 58%.

I also DNFed a novella by this author, so I guess no more of her books for me.