A review by aluhealz
BykeChic: A Lesbian Action Adventure Romance by L. Fergus


I'm really not sure where to start with this one. Basically, I didn't like it at all. This is my first book by the author so maybe I just don't understand the quirk of her books, but I see that as a flaw in itself.

I HATED every character in this book. None of them were likable at all. It felt like none of them had and solid character foundation either. Their personalities would just be whatever suited the moment. There was so much back and forth from hating and angry to being in lust? I couldn't get a read on any of them and the b-line straight to love was jarring. Every character seemed to go 0-60 at any moment with any emotion. And some of the characters were just flat out terrible people the entire way through.

I will completely admit too I struggled to even follow the story. It was already weak at best and felt a bit too much like a certain movie, but then everything suddenly gets turned upside down. This was also jarring because still, the characters were awful even after changing and the story just made little sense to me. It felt a lot like jumping into a story already in progress like there are things I needed to know when starting this but wasn't introduced to me through the book. Even with the obvious characters meant to have everything explained to them, it was still confusing and honestly a little juvenile.

I had to force myself to finish this book. It was waaaay too long, too broad, and too hard to follow.