A review by lautir
Cold Magic by Kate Elliott


Given all the reviews about it I went in expecting something new and fresh in terms of the treatment of characters. But to me it felt like everything that had been done before. People claimed that it was a good portrayal of feminism in fantasy but for me it was like someone who only half-assed studied women in culture.

So while that irked me a fair bit, my dislike for this novel can be traced back to the simplistic writing style, the extremely boring plot line of running across the country in one direction then quickly setting off in the direction they just came from.

Very little is explained about the world yet new words are thrown at you throughout the story so it makes it nearly impossible to grasp a solid idea of the world the story takes place in.

I also have no idea why this isn't in the YA section of bookstores, none of the content really qualifies it for general fantasy/fiction.

I had to force myself through the last 100 pages and it was painful. I didn't care about the main character, I didn't care about the overarching plot line that was only hinted at here and there and I didn't feel any sense of danger even though the whole book is pretty much one long chase scene.