A review by booksicle
The Mythic Koda Rose by Jennifer Nissley


I’ll start with, I’ve been really into older YA books lately and this fit the bill! Not only did I love the LGBTQ diversity but Koda Rose FELT like an 18 year old. Someone who hasn’t had much time to play with her sexuality and is just now getting to feel like an adult; even if it is behind her mothers back. Even by the end you can still feel her immaturity and naiveness, although she has learned a lot more by then about both herself, her family, and the world around her. Even in the middle of the book she begins to act, and think, like a teenager does which is exactly what someone who’s 17 turning 18 would do.

The only reason I’m not giving this a five star rating is because of the relationship between Sadie and Koda. It wasn’t lacking by any means, so it wasn’t anything that was missing from it. At times it felt like a missing-link mother-daughter or even aunt-niece relationship and in others it felt like Koda was hinting at it being more. It made me feel slightly uncomfortable with the age gap between them, however it’s understanding because Koda Rose IS still a child. She may not fully understand what it is to herself either, which as a 21 year old, I still feel at times. If anything the ending leaves Koda Rose as someone who can be explored further as she grows up.
Overall, I do highly recommend the book to anyone wanting a story about a girl discovering her sexuality, her courage, and her family. It was a great read!!