A review by samyukta_24
Josee, the Tiger and the Fish by Seiko Tanabe


Another rare library find. One would think I would be sick of shojō romances by now by how they always utilize the same three predictable tropes, but thankfully this book provided something above those tropes (which were definitely used here as well), turning my initial 3-star rating to a 5-star rating. This was majorly due to the story Josee writes and illustrates in the end. It made up for that entire girl-on-girl hate subplot which I have come to dread.

The manga does a great job of giving these full panel shots of the underwater scenery, which helped me make up my mind on watching the movie.

The story by itself is not thaaat original, and doesn't really go into how disability affects Josee in day-to-day life in real depth, but one thing it captures really well are two of its central concepts: the dangers of being too dependent on other people, and learning to rely on your internal strength that surpasses any external calamities that may befall. I really liked the way that was portrayed, and the story flowed really well despite its kind-of stretched out dramatic moments.