A review by kimberly_b
Lover Arisen by J.R. Ward


I keep telling myself that I'm done reading this series, but I just can't stop. I saw the audiobook pop up on Libby and thought I'd give it a try. I actually liked listening to the audiobook more than reading the actual book in this case, and I'm going to seek out audios of this series in the future. The biggest letdown for me with Lover Arisen is that we don't get any background on Balthazar. He's the MC and yet I don't know anything more about him than I did going into the book. Rayvn, Nate, and Lassiter were by far the most interesting part of the novel, and I am actually excited to read [b:Lassiter|61295517|Lassiter (Black Dagger Brotherhood #21)|J.R. Ward|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1655321417l/61295517._SY75_.jpg|91762165]. It's about time!