A review by williamsonigunn
Kimi Ni Todoke: From Me to You, Vol. 2 by Karuho Shiina


4.5/5.0: Sawako is the happiest she has ever been! With six new friends, she’s excited to go to school every day, although she doesn’t always understand why. “If there’s a limit to how much happiness one can have in a lifetime… I may have used up all of mine… Oh, but… Even if that’s the case, I’m happy.” Everything seems to finally be looking up for her until she hits the first roadblock- instead of rumors being spread about Sawako, now they’re being spread about Yoshida and Yano- and people say it was Sawako who started them.

Another four-point five for this series, and I don't think it will ever go below a four. Kimi ni Todoke focuses a lot on friendships rather than romance, which makes it unique in the shojo world- this volume in particular. I've always been excited about these three's friendship, and it only continues to grow from here.