A review by jansbookcorner
Couple Found Slain: After a Family Murder by Mikita Brottman


I struggled as far as rating this book. It is an interesting nonfiction that should open eyes as far as what goes on in some of the institutions in our country. My problems with the book is that since it is Brian's story, told from his perspective as a patient, there are a few questions. While I don't doubt the events or how he viewed them, I would like to have had more of a "defense" from the others involved. I also found the book to be a little dry at times. This is a problem I often have with nonfiction. It lacked the emotion that I wanted and actually at the end of the book I didn't feel strongly towards Brian one way or the other. (I do have feelings just not the kind that makes me want to crusade to help him.) But even with that being said, it still is an interesting book.