A review by shrikebait
The Last Haunt by Max Booth III


I'm of the opinion that this book is largely uncredited "borrowed" material. Let me explain.

Initially, I was so excited to recognize the parallels between McKinley Manor and the infamous McKamey Manor haunted house...but then the similarities kept adding up, until I realized McKinley Manor was a near carbon copy of McKamey Manor. At no point does the author credit the material taken directly from McKamey Manor.

Some especially egregious examples:
-Private Facebook group with audition videos
-Dog food as the only price for admission
-Onesies for degradation
-Hundred-page contract/waiver outlined over hours
-Meeting at a park before transport via truck to the haunt
-Prize money that is speculated to never have existed
-No safe word and proud of it
-Police called before each haunt as a warning

The largest deviations from the real McKamey Manor are the fictional murders. Without spoiling how it goes down, I really did not find that it redeemed the aforementioned issues.

I sincerely hope that Booth acknowledges that this book crosses the line from referencing to copying. I also hope to see more originality in future books to show his growth as an author.

Thank you for the chance to check this book out for free. I'm leaving this review of my own accord.