A review by jennabeebs79
All That Matters by Susan X. Meagher


Wow...I feel like I need a good vacation after finishing this book. It sure was a roller coaster ride of emotions. Susan X. Meagher has penned a tale for the ages. Blair and David, a happily married couple had been trying for nearly a year to get pregnant. When lifestyle changes didn't work, they opted to try donor sperm (in my opinion this seemed like a really premature decision as there were a few different avenues they could have gone). Blair naturally ended up pregnant and her immature husband said he could never love the baby. What followed was a tumultuous journey as Blair moved in with her single lesbian doctor friend, Kylie while David moved on to a younger model.

This was a really long book, so readers do get their money's worth. The author took the time and care to flesh out every single decision that our main characters made. When the reader is ready to question a character's motive and decision, our author was right there explaining every thought to the T. I absolutely loved Blair, her smarts and wicked tongue kept me on my toes and had me laughing out loud a few times. Kylie was the perfect partner: patient, loving, and devoted. I enjoyed enjoyed being a part of these characters' lives!