A review by timinbc
The Black God's Drums by P. Djèlí Clark


What the others said. This is exactly what a novella is for: a tight, focused story in a vivid setting, not too many characters, a ripping story, and bang, it's over.

Creeper is more tough, resilient, and pragmatic than she is Plucky, which is good because I hate Plucky - the kind that just charges into whatever and always succeeds.

Lots of really nifty characters here, and I hope we see some of them again. The nuns reminded me of the Hempstocks in Gaiman's The Ocean at the End of the Lane, and from me that's high praise.

The plot develops nicely, we are told what we need to know when we need it, and it all works out with seamless logic, of the "Of COURSE that's what happened next, how did I not see that?" kind.

More, please.