A review by abbythompson
Eastern Body, Western Mind: Psychology and the Chakra System as a Path to the Self by Anodea Judith


It is as difficult to reduce this book to a short review as it is to try and explain how the chakras work. In this book, Judith taken on each chakra, identifying the strengths, weaknesses, excesses, deficiencies, and ways to open each one. Using modern psychology with ancient philosophy, she also clarifies how one can live a connected, spiritual life in contemporary society. As someone who has struggled recently with balancing spirituality with modern beliefs and values, it was validating to hear that giving up attachment isn't actually the way to achieve enlightenment. There are healthy attachments and responsibilities that we need in order to operate at our highest level.

If you are at all interested in psychology, psychotherapy, the chakras, eastern thought, philosophy, or are just looking for a way to better understand yourself, this is an excellent book for providing insight and safe exploration.