A review by saadamansayyed
Artemis Fowl by Eoin Colfer


Artemis Fowl the Second is a twelve-year-old criminal mastermind who sets out to revive his criminal family's fortune which his father lost in post-cold war situations. That is what the excerpts and the jackets tell you. Truth be told it did come true on the promise, just the thrilling part was a bit underwhelming and overshadowed by the fantasy element.

The story starts with the Ho Chi Minh expedition where Artemis and Butler (who I thoroughly enjoyed) try to get to the guy on the internet who offered them away to the fairy book, who led them to the rice-wine witch. That is the fun part. Holly Short and LEPrecon parts are the most boring per se.

The humans subvert expectations, while the fantasy characters are boring and could use some more dimension as to what their characters are. Especially Foaly and Root, who is sarcastic opposite-end-of-the-spectrums and that is a bit confusing. Especially with unmarked dialogue.

The book bashes humans aggressively, which I do not like the least bit. Human-hating was one of my pet peeves, and please stop calling our species "mud people".

The writing was good - and while going for eloquence, seemed just the teeny-weeny bit amateur, but not a recommendation stopper if I should say that. Overall, it was enjoyable to read, but it is not TOP 10 list material. Top 50 though.

In simple decimal out of 10, this would warrant around 7.89/10
CAWPILE - 6.8/3 stars