A review by bibliophile90
Disarm by Karina Halle


**ARC provided by publisher in exchange for an honest review**


"There's nothing in this world more beautiful than her, not even a million rising and setting suns."

Disarm is the second book in The Dumonts series. I was really looking forward to Seraphine's story after meeting her in Discretion. I liked this book better than the previous one, and that is because there was more character growth, and history between the two main characters. I admired Seraphine's strong and determined personality. Even though she wasn't born into the Dumont family, she still feels a strong loyalty to her adoptive father and the family business. Even after being adopter at nine years old, she still feels like she isn't enough and doesn't fully belong. She comes from a lost and damaged place, and is scared that she will end up alone again. Blaise is the black sheep of the family and her adoptive cousin. Unbeknownst to her, he too feels like he is alone in the world. Not fitting in and being a failure in the eyes of his parents.

Blaise and Seraphine have history, and I was happy that the author showcased this in short flashbacks. This really helped me in connecting with the characters. This was very important because the book isn't that long for a drawn-out development of the relationship, so seeing that there already was something between them helped me in believing in their love in present time. The suspense was done really well in this book and I enjoyed reading the scenes were the characters were in danger. I really enjoyed this book and loved seeing these two great characters come together. I absolutely love Karina Halle's writing style, it was very easy to read and it had a great flow. I am pleasantly surprised that the next book Disavow is Pascal's story. I currently dislike him, but I do have a thing for anti-heroes and redemption stories, so I look forward to seeing how it will play out.