A review by theawkwardbookw
Early to Death, Early to Rise by Kim Harrison


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The second book in the Madison Avery trilogy.

This hasn't gotten much better from the first book, which sucks because the concept is interesting and could have been so good. I like the overall message behind the books, being the difference between choice and fate. But personally, I just don't think the idea has been executed well. Madison is less annoying in this, but still makes bad decision after bad decision while everyone around her tells her not to do it... and yet. I definitely like Nakita the best, she is more complex and interesting, and would love to see a story featuring her as the main character instead of Madison.

I do think that it was easier to follow than the first book, now that I have a grasp on the characters and the events in Prom Nights from Hell, but I still wouldn't say its a great series.