A review by mnboyer
Dinosaur Lives by Jack Horner


I'm going through a phase where I'm very interested in dinosaurs so I've been collecting books from my local Bookman's (a used/trade/exchange bookstore) and have been voraciously reading. I had to pick up Horner's book the moment I saw it because I know he worked on the films Jurassic Park and The Lost World, both of which he mentions in this book. He's a well-known expert so again, had to grab it to see what it was all about. The cover was really inspiring, too (never overlook a good cover to make a sale).

A lot of great information about paleontology and searching for dinosaurs. Some analysis of what can be found that is important and, of course, what doesn't mean much at all. Here, Horner is in search for eggs, babies, and juveniles for quite some time to prove/disprove different theories. All of this is very, very fascinating.

I felt the first half of the book was more exciting than the second half, but I cannot put my finger on why. Nonetheless, I gobbled it up because *dinosaurs*. There were also some great illustrations and photographs throughout. A few of the illustrations seemed faded (likely from a bad print job, if I had to give input) but they were still fun to look at. In the end, I learned a lot.