A review by pixiejazz
Davey the Detective by Emlyn Chand, S. Shaw


Davey the Detective is probably my favorite of all the Bird Brain books. It's about a crow named Davey who finds, then loses, a shiny treasure he absolutely has to have. Deciding to emulate his favorite detective, Sherlock Holmes, and with the help of his very own Watson - a sparrow named Sarah - Davey sets out to solve the mystery of the missing treasure.

There's a really great moral to the story that I think will really resonate with younger kids. I like that about these books, and especially this one.

I was also quite fond of detective/mystery stories as a kid, myself. I loved reading Encyclopedia Brown books, as well as others. As an adult, I am a huge fan of the BBC's version of Sherlock with Benedict Cumberbatch. That's probably why this Bird Brain story is my favorite.

I highly recommend these books to parents to either read to their kids or let their kids read them on their own/to their parent. They're short, fun, and very easy to read.

I give Davey the Detective five wholesome stars!