A review by secretsofabooklover
Kiss Me Deadly by Michele Hauf


This was only the second book in the Paranormal Romance genre that I have read, and because of my unfamiliarity with the genre, I selected this book based on the fact that it was a free ebook for my Kindle. That being said, I did like it.

The action was slow to start, really only picking up more than halfway through the book. The beginning was very much character and relationship development. It was nice to have the relationship between Nikolaus and Ravin well developed before the action started, but the length of the book left little time for the meat of the story, which was a shame. Once the action did pick up, it was exciting and entertaining. I only wish there was more of it, which is the main reason I didn't give it 4 stars.

The romance was sweet and passionate. It took much persuasion on Nikolaus' part, but once Ravin fell for him, her feelings only snowballed. And so quickly the roles were reversed as she must convince Nikolaus of the love he once felt for her. I felt for her, empathized with her, I could feel her heart breaking. I enjoy when a story draws me in emotionally.

As far as the sex is concerned, there are a few scenes that are somewhat detailed, but Michele Hauf stops just short of the explicit details, leaving much to the imagination. If you like your romances with little filter and expect as much detail as can fit on a page, you will be disappointed with this book. That's not to say it's not worth the read. There are some pretty steamy scenes between Nikolaus and Ravin!

Overall this was a good book. I enjoyed it and would recommend it to fans of paranormal romance.