A review by jediroot
The Woman at the Edge of Town by Georgette Kaplan


I received an ARC in exchange for my honest review.

Georgette Kaplan is one of those authors where she could write great novel then follow up with not so great one. Don't get me wrong, her writing and humor are great. I am a big fan of her style and usually at least enjoy reading her novels.

However, this one is one of the least enjoyable novels by Georgette. The biggest problem I have with this story is the "insta-love" between the two characters that are not exactly believable for me. I like the character development behind the main character, Sarah, but I can't really relate to her falling in love with Nina.

Also, I really wish Georgette would explore more into Nina's past and how it impacts her as I feel it was little superficial and we only find out the truth way later in the novel. Then it was wrapped up at the end and it almost feel like it was trivial when it shouldn't be.

The humor and the side characters are great in this novel and that is one of Georgette's biggest strength as a writer.

Overall, I would say keep your expectations low and just enjoy the erotica parts and the humor.