A review by willowsmeanders
The Blood of Olympus by Rick Riordan


Honestly, this was disappointing, and I went in with full knowledge of the plot. As a book, it was fine. As a finale, it wasn’t great.

The Giant Plot: The main plot was mostly good. I loved Leo’s contribution and sacrifice. But I absolutely hated the conclusion. The giants were defeated in just two pages and the battle was disappointing. I’m incredibly frustrated that Leo just defeated Gaia just like that. In the whole series she was hyped up and I thought the final confrontation between them would be the mother of all boss battles, kinda like the Battle of Manhattan in The Last Olympian. But he just blows her up and kills her in one chapter. I’m also severely disappointed by Jason and Piper’s role in her defeat. They were just there with little to no contribution. It could've been as epic as
SpoilerSteve, Tony, and Thor confronting Thanos in Endgame
, but nope. Silly, dumb, boring, it was.

The Athena Parthenos Subplot: Surprisingly, I loved the dynamics between Reyna, Nico, and Coach Hedge during their little sidequest. It was boring at first, but it ended up being great. And I’m glad I got to see my girl Thalia Grace after such a long time. One complaint I had was how Bryce Lawrence was just gotten rid of so quickly, like he was just an afterthought Rick Riordan just squeezed in to build up tension.

Percy Jackson: One question — are we sure this Percy Jackson was the same Percy Jackson I loved in Percy Jackson and the Olympians?
Because guess what? Everything I loved about Percy just disappeared. The charm, the noble nature, the kindness, the quick wit, the strong leadership skills —where did they go? He just got Flanderized completely. Everything I loved about him?

Annabeth Chase: Shittiest character in Heroes of Olympus and no-one's gonna change my mind. She suffered so much character derailment just so Percabeth characters could get their "cute" moments to shriek about.

Jason Grace: I liked Jason better in House of Hades and this more than ever. The change his character goes from practically being their Superman to a character with issues. He didn't really get exact flaws, per se, but he got weaknesses. I can appreciate that.

Piper McLean: What I said for Jason also goes for Piper as well. She had awesome character development in HoH and this. However, I find it weird how she's just been pulling powers out of nowhere.

Frank Zhang: My boy Frank got great development in BoO. I loved it when he took his firewood back from Hazel and put it in the pouch Leo gave him. Him trusting Leo and being open about his firewood made me immensely happy. He became so confident. Definitely our praetor.

Hazel Levesque: Hazel's just been getting better every book. 'Nuff said.

Leo Valdez: Leo is still my favorite. His entire arc boiling down to him battling Gaia was a great idea. And I loved how ready he was and planned accordingly. However, I have two issues with his arc: the copout and his romance with Calypso. Both of which are I'll talk about below.

Reyna Ramirez-Arellano: Reyna's entire arc boiling down to having to face trauma she ran away from was one of the best-executed subplots in the book. I loved her relationship with Nico and her gradual opening up with people, and I adored it when she didn't get a love interest. She gets to be a character without a romance blocking her path.

Percy/Annabeth: Still eating up their characters and ruining them. And I'm kinda angry about them just deciding to pick "safety" in New Rome over family in New York. Percy hasn't even talked to Sally in so long. I need justice.

Leo/Calypso: I had issues with how it began, how it was in between, and how it ended. I mean, Calypso was just being a dick to him for no reason, which is a HUGE difference from BoL. I get why Calypso would fall in love with him, but why did Leo love her? Just confusion everywhere.

Nico/Will: Came out of LITERALLY NOWHERE. Why is it so popular?

1. ACTUALLY kill off Leo. I know this is cruel and I don't really mind him alive, but it would've been a great ending to his arc
Spoiler like Tony Stark in Endgame
. It would've made Gaia a real threat, and it would've closed his arc well: Gaia began with him and ended with him.

2. Pair up Leo with either Piper or Jason. I don't know, but I really like it when the popular person with a million love interests goes for the person nobody would pick. And if Liper or Valgrace were a thing I would ship it.

3. Make the battle between the Giants and the gods and demigods longer. It was resolved too quickly and it made the Giants too weak as villains.

4. Have Gaia cause actual destruction. She was just gotten rid off too quickly for a PRIMORDIAL DEITY WHO IS LITERALLY EARTH.

OVERALL RATING: 2 stars (+1 for characters, +1 star for Athena Parthenos subplot)
I've got mixed feelings about this one. Review to come!