A review by silvia_gio
The Lies of Locke Lamora by Scott Lynch


Set in a modern day crime novel, the plot would have enough twists and turns to keep you riveted. The Gentleman Bastards are confidence tricksters, grifters and con-men in a low-magic medieval setting, with bloody, luscious, combat scenes.
The setting so vivid and detailed, and the characters so entertaining. Locke and his crew of thieves are all great characters, and most of the supporting cast are brilliant as well. they're all unique and memorable, and even minor characters are given enough personality to make them interesting. This book is clever, it’s often very funny, and the world-building is excellent.
The chapters flip between present day Locke and interludes, where Locke is still a child, which gives the reader a nice insight into backstory. Initially I found the beginning of the novel difficult to get into, even considering putting it down, but I’m extremely glad I didn’t, for the sole reason that it very quickly turned into rip-roaring fun. There is mischief and mayhem aplenty, and what a joy it was to read.