A review by holtfan
Death Was in the Picture by Linda L. Richards


Disappointing. While I occasionally saw glimpses of the Kitty and Dex that drew me in to [b:Death Was the Other Woman|1387577|Death Was the Other Woman|Linda L. Richards|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1312025340s/1387577.jpg|1377643], it was a very different book. Not nearly as interesting as it could have been. I figured out whodunit the minute the character was introduced. The historical/architectural commentary which, I admit, bored me in the first book was even more prevalent here and even more slow. Kitty experiences weird, random emotions that felt totally out of character for her
SpoilerMaking out with some old, fat actor? Triumphing in the fear she caused in another woman?
Plot elements were stuck together, with characters introduced and ignored. Unnecessary details sometimes add to a plot but in this case it just dragged the whole thing out. Kitty and Dex go from one event to the other with little rhyme or reason. Things just unfold around them. Part of the solution is so complex the characters themselves dismiss it as ridiculous, the other part so simple it felt like the author just wanted to be done. Beautiful writing but the plot was slow and clunky and hard to get into. Good potential and possibility. Unfortunately, doesn't live up to it.
Of course, I still love the Kitty/Dex tension and the Dex/Mustard bond.