A review by kailiasage
The Blue Door by Ann Rinaldi


The quilt has finally made it home! In the second book, Thankful's part of the quilt gets home and now Abigail's! As soon as I finished Broken Days, I began reading this one and I finished it that night as well!

So now we are into the third generation. Amanda is the granddaughter of Abigail Chelmsford Videau, who ran away in the first book and eloped with Nate Videau. When Amanda's father needs money to run his plantation, Grandmother Abigail sends young Amanda to her relatives in Salem, Massachusetts, in hopes of getting some cotton sold to her father's mill. So against her will, Amanda begins her journey. And boy is it a rough one! From meeting a dangerous man who wants to kill her, to being in a steam boat wreck, Amanda some how finds herself in Lowell. But since Nicholas takes her quilt, when Amanda is taken to her great-grandfather's home (who is still alive but all of his children are dead), she can't prove that she is indeed Amanda Videau. I know this sounds confusing, but I really don't want to spoil the book!

She is then forced to work in the Lowell Mills as she has no where to go. Before the steamboat wreck, her friend and travel companion change clothes and identities, so Amanda becomes Clara and Clara becomes Amanda. When Clara dies in the wreck, people believe she is Amanda and tells her father back home that Amanda is dead. So of course her great-grand father won't believe her. Anyhoo, after a long chain of events Amanda befriends the girls at Lowell and they being the ten hour work days campaign. Amanda also meets Nancy, or Walking Breeze, and the two become friends. In the end, Nicholas is caught, and Amanda meets her family.

The plot was excellent! It was full of action and and danger and I kept flipping the pages, over and over again. Once again, it was evident that a lot of research was put into writing this book, which made it all the better! Not only that, but the characters were well written, even the ones who didn't appear so much. Amanda went from a fretful Southern girl (from South Carolina, where I live!) to a courageous young lady, and I loved sharing her journey!